Yeast extracts, autolyzed yeast, and inactive yeast are ingredients that can enhance plant-based meat, fish, poultry, and cheese applications. Adding them to your preparation can:

  • Impart umami and overall taste.
  • Reinforce flavors like beef, meat, chicken, cheese, grilled, and smoked.
  • Provide longer-lasting flavor perception while helping reduce sodium content.
  • Contribute to the texture, rheology, color of the product.
  • Enrich the nutritional profile with a natural source of protein, fiber, minerals, and vitamins.
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Vegan Alfredo style sauce
A creamy and flavored non-dairy Alfredo style sauce using our new yeast extract Savor-LyfeĀ®CA to add more taste to your pasta, rice, veggies.
Vegan Mozzarella style cheese block
A North American style plant-based mozzarella where beany notes and gritty mouthfeel are replaced by a great body and richness. It's creamy and has a delicious fatty perception of vegan cheese.
Veggy “no meat” loaf
Combine ToravitaĀ® and LyfeĀ® ingredients to characterize your plant-based loaf with meaty and succulent flavors.